
25 Years Into the Future_Facer & Sanford

Name the 1 scenario from the Facer & Sanford (2010) article that you think is viable & explain why you've chosen it. 1. The concepts of ‘identity’, benefit, and action are understood as profoundly social. a. Integrated experiences: an education system embedded in society, economy, and community through ongoing participation. Working and living with technology will be normal to our digital natives and will become increasingly normal. As the author states, what we mean by ‘machines’ will become more radically implemented in everyday life and become semi-autonomous actors in social networks.  Teaching and educating young learners to become socially active will require proficiency in the use of technology. Students that we teach in 2022 will become global citizens in the future, and by the time they identify their careers and roles in the community, it will be critical that they find networks that meet their needs/interests and sense of belongingness in order to ground themsel

In response to article critique video questions

PLE - personal learning environment

MOOC allows the audience to learn independently online, and the open learning platform enables people from different background to connect with one another in the virtual space.  Regardless of the age and occupation of the users, this blog post, or the page, can be used as MOOC by providing basic information on how I learned how to do coding using Scratch website.  Visit:  It's 100% free and you can simply open an account by providing your email (so that you can start publishing your contents) and choosing a password. Both computers and mobile phones can be used to access the website and if you prefer to use the platform without internet, you can also download the program.  People who can join this blog will be able to take away any basic knowledge on how to create the account on Scratch and start creating their own content by watching a couple of videos that I benefited from. Want to know more about scratch? Let's drive right in to see some examples!
  Investment in early childhood collective STEAM curriculum for equity in urban schools. 'What would you do in your school to make technology a useful and valuable tool for all children?' ​ Empowering children to maximize their potential in using technology by providing the right ‘hook’ for motivation and positioning them as content creators through culturally relevant activities: Multimodality introduction for all curriculum through technology (Hook. Increase motivation. Coding at an early age (Build creative thinking/Problem-solving skills). Incorporating gamified Lessons/ project-based assessments for Math and Science (Build confidence in the low academic areas) 4th grade HIP HOP multiplication challenge ​

Welcome to STEAM Blog 21-22

  This blog will provide our families with simple STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) resources that connect the real world to learning. ​ ​ Our children need to see that STEAM is all around us and in 4th grade IES, students are using their creativity to explore Math and Science using a variety of online programs.